10 Hilarious Movie Quotes to Help Your Job Hunt

When I was growing up, my brothers and I rarely spoke our own thoughts. Instead, we spoke in movie quotes probably 90 percent of the time. This tormented my mother to the point where one night at dinner she yelled, “WHO IS BILLY MADISON?” She had thought it was a friend of mine who lived down the street. Her four sons constantly communicated through movie lines, famous and unrecognizable alike.

Though this was difficult for my mother to comprehend, I believe movie quotes can be very relative to our everyday lives. This spans across all professions, but here are some hilarious movie quotes that can give you some perspective on the recruitment world and help your job hunt:

1. “Man, I’m glad I called that guy.” — Billy Madison, Billy Madison

Trust your recruitment adviser. We are here to help in your interview process. We know you are a professional and have interviewed before, but this is something we do all day every day. 

hilarious movie quotes

2. “Do you realize what you’ve done?”… [panting] “You’ll have to excuse my friend. He’s a little slow. The town is that way!” — Lloyd Christmas, Dumb and Dumber

Keep your eyes open. Even if you are not actively seeking employment, there are a lot of great opportunities out there that might just be your dream job. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by. Otherwise, you may miss the bus.

bus hilarious movie quotes

3. “Math is a wonderful thing… Math is a really cool thing… So get off your ath and do some math…math, math, math, math, mathhhhhh.” — Dewey Finn, School of Rock

If you see something in a job description that you don’t like, make sure to not dismiss the whole opportunity. There will always be something you don’t care for in a position, so you must weigh the pros and cons. Also, job descriptions are frequently more of an all-inclusive wish list than a requirements list.

school of rock hilarious movie quotes

4. “Oh Eddie… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am now.” — Clark W. Griswold, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

When you secure an interview, prep for the questions so you are never left surprised and unprepared to answer. Look into the company history, mission, sales projections, leadership and anything else you can find.

Christmas vacation hilarious movie quotes

5. “But you ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.” – Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump

Don’t be out there stating the obvious during your interview. Show you have done your homework, and that you can make deeper connections with the information you have than just the name of the company and the product they sell.

shrimp boat hilarious movie quotes

6. “Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.” — El Guapo, The Three Amigos

In an interview, only discuss the things you DO know, not what you DON’T know. It is okay to not know something, and inform the company that you are not aware, but try to avoid this by doing your initial research.

hilarious movie quotes three amigos

7. “Yeah, that’s me, taking the bull by the horns. It’s how I handle business. It’s a metaphor. But that actually happened, though.” — White Goodman, Dodgeball

Take the interview process “by the horns” and own it. Over-prepare, learn about the people you will be meeting with, understand their customers, markets they serve, recent industry trends, their press releases and news articles. Be confident — not cocky.

dodgeball hilarious movie quotes

8. “I’m stupid. You’re smart. I was wrong. You were right. You’re the best. I’m the worst. You’re very good-looking. I’m not attractive.” — Happy Gilmore, Happy Gilmore

Pay compliments to your interviewer. Make sure they know you value their time. You don’t have to put yourself down, but remain humble. And always, always, send thank you notes to everyone who interviewed you.

golf hilarious movie quotes

9. “Hey fellas! Big Gulps, huh?… Welp, see ya later.” — Lloyd Christmas, Dumb and Dumber

If you are offered the job, resign confidently from your current position with no room for your boss to extend a counter-offer. A whopping 93 percent of people who accept a counteroffer are no longer with that company less than two years down the road. They are either replaced or end up leaving for the same reasons they were unhappy about in the first place.

hilarious movie quotes orange bowtie

10. “I am good. You know what, you’re a lousy kindergarten teacher. I’ve seen those finger-paintings you bring home and they suck.” — Happy Gilmore, Happy Gilmore

Don’t be offended if you do not get the job. Be confident that it was not the right one for you. Don’t go burning a bridge by having a tantrum and/or saying something negative to those involved in the interview. You never know who they know or how you may cross paths again in the future.

During your next job search, keep these hilarious movie quotes in mind to help you through the interview process. Also – contact one of our recruiters to help prep you and place you in your next career.

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