Career Resources

Why You Shouldn’t Accept A Counter-offer

Opportunities are plentiful for job seekers currently, and with unemployment rates at record lows and job openings near record highs, now is a great time to explore job options. With that being said, because opportunities are plentiful, losing valuable employees can...
Tips for Receiving Constructive Feedback

Tips for Receiving Constructive Feedback

We all know that constructive criticism is good for us, but that doesn’t always mean it’s easy to accept. Even when the feedback is accurate, being told your work needs improvement can be tough to take in. Remember that receiving feedback on your work can help you improve your skills and your work.

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What To Expect When You Work With A Recruiter

What To Expect When You Work With A Recruiter

Recruiters, or headhunters, have pretty rough reputations. People think they’ll put you in a bad job, or never find you a job at all. In reality, working with a recruiter can be a very pleasant and easy process if you have the right recruitment partner! Here is what...

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5 Signs It’s Time To Start Your Job Search

5 Signs It’s Time To Start Your Job Search

Deciding when it’s time to start your job search can be tough. If you’ve been with your company for a while, you probably have some amount of loyalty to the organization, your boss or at least to your coworkers. But there will likely come a time when you should move...

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5 Business Lessons From 5-Year-Old Me

5 Business Lessons From 5-Year-Old Me

Growing up, our parents teach us a lot. Lessons that we learned before we began school, or that were reinforced in school; lessons that we had to re-learn on our own as we grew up; and most importantly, lessons that we still live by every day. Let me share with you...

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A Recruiter’s Take on “The Truth About Recruiters”

A Recruiter’s Take on “The Truth About Recruiters”

The truth is, it can be tough to be a recruiter. The stigma around the profession is oftentimes still negative and hard to work past when attempting to build new relationships with clients and talent. I get it. Some recruiters are bad - just like some lawyers, some...

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Emotional Intelligence: Do You Have What it Takes?

Emotional Intelligence: Do You Have What it Takes?

Your intelligence quotient, or IQ, used to be the number everyone wished was higher. Employers took IQ heavily into account when interviewing new talent. Determining intelligence with a standard test and set scale seemed reasonable. Recently, a new intelligence score...

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10 Hilarious Movie Quotes to Help Your Job Hunt

10 Hilarious Movie Quotes to Help Your Job Hunt

When I was growing up, my brothers and I rarely spoke our own thoughts. Instead, we spoke in movie quotes probably 90 percent of the time. This tormented my mother to the point where one night at dinner she yelled, "WHO IS BILLY MADISON?" She had thought it was a...

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4 Reasons Your Recruiter Is Asking Personal Questions

4 Reasons Your Recruiter Is Asking Personal Questions

When enlisting a recruiter in your job search, a lot of questions will be asked. Where do you currently work? Why are you looking for something new? What is your current salary? This will most likely be overwhelming. Being asked to disclose such personal information...

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