Career Resources

Resumes: What Hiring Managers Look For

When it comes to crafting your resume, you’ll see a lot of different opinions from different professionals all over the internet. While many aspects are completely conditional to the position you’re applying to, some are clear-cut. But even so, the job market is...
Tips for Receiving Constructive Feedback

Tips for Receiving Constructive Feedback

We all know that constructive criticism is good for us, but that doesn’t always mean it’s easy to accept. Even when the feedback is accurate, being told your work needs improvement can be tough to take in. Remember that receiving feedback on your work can help you improve your skills and your work.

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How to Answer Salary Questions: The Truth From An Insider

How to Answer Salary Questions: The Truth From An Insider

This past year, a practice for decades gone by has been called under scrutiny: an interview question so highly controversial that our government has become involved. “What is your current salary?” Candidates feel the practice is invasive, and some believe it is even...

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How to Tell If a Recruiter is Being Transparent

How to Tell If a Recruiter is Being Transparent

Have you ever been burnt by a bad recruiter? Someone who wasn’t transparent, didn’t listen to your wants and needs, or who disappeared after placing you? Maybe you haven’t experienced it firsthand but you’ve heard stories and are aware of the overall reputation of...

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Steps to Video Interview Like a Pro

Steps to Video Interview Like a Pro

I’m an 80’s kid who grew up watching sci-fi movies, marveling at what could be the technology of the future. I can admit that I am still waiting on flying cars and hoverboards to be the norm. Although we might not be quite there yet, we do have some impressive...

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Salary vs. The Right Match

Salary vs. The Right Match

When you are looking for a new job, you typically have two numbers in mind: the lowest salary you’ll accept and the salary you hope to get. While it’s not unreasonable to want to make a career move for more money, it’s imperative to find the right match and not...

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How to Get Back in Touch With a Recruiter

How to Get Back in Touch With a Recruiter

Oftentimes a recruiter will reach out to connect with you for a job opening, but the connection isn’t quite made for any number of reasons. Now, you’re trying to get back in touch with the recruiter and can’t seem to get an answer! Here’s what to do:

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A Simple Guide To Responding to Emails From Recruiters

A Simple Guide To Responding to Emails From Recruiters

If you are on LinkedIn, there is a good chance you’ve received a personal message from a recruiter. You might not be looking for a job right now, or maybe a recruiter has offered a job you aren’t interested in – but don’t burn this bridge.Why have we contacted you? Top of the line staffing and recruitment

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Is This Position Really Your Dream Job?

Is This Position Really Your Dream Job?

If you’ve received a call from a recruiter, you’ve probably heard the line, “This is a great opportunity with one of our best customers.” But is it really that great? Sometimes I wonder if the first page of the Recruiter Manual only lists this phrase because so many use it to describe any and all jobs

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The Key to a Successful Interview

The Key to a Successful Interview

We’ve all come to a point in our lives when we had to prepare for an interview. It could be your first professional job in the workforce, or years into your journey when you were searching for something new. Either way, it makes for a nerve-wracking, nail biting...

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