Employee Spotlight: David Marquez

Employee Spotlight, David is a Practice Leader helping provide executive search solutions for a variety of industries.

David is a Practice Leader helping provide executive search solutions for a variety of industries. He’s been with Search since 2015 and brings a wealth of leadership and experience to the team. Read on to learn more about David…

Meet David Marquez

What are two of your favorite hobbies?
I am a sports guy, so I love playing football, as well as taking in a Cincinnati Bengals or Bearcats game. Favorite hobby? Spending time with my girlfriend, Sarah, and raising our son, AJ. Playing unapologetically poor golf would be third.

What gets you out of bed every morning?
I’d have to say my awesome soon to be six-month-old son, my beautiful girlfriend, Sarah, my mother, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, and nephews, extended family, and friends. My people are the world to me.

David Marquez family image

What kind of activities do you like to do with your friends or family?
Overall, just hanging out, cooking some good food (I leave it to the pros to cook at my house), watching sports, playing sports, etc. I just like being around people and surrounded by the folks I love and care for.

What was your favorite vacation?
I’ve been on some very memorable vacations, including Hilton Head with my family growing up, several Caribbean trips, Mexico, driving the Florida Keys, Bengals / Packers at Lambeau Field, RV’ing, and skiing throughout British Columbia, Tahoe, and more. But in 2019, I skied the Austrian Alps and it was breathtaking. Not just the views and skiing on the mountains, but traveling across the German and Austrian countrysides via train, as well.

If you could have dinner with any person from any time period, who would it be and why?
This is tricky. I would love to say MLK, Bob Marley, General Douglas MacArthur, and many more. Honestly, though, I would love to sit back down with my father. Me at my current age and him before he got sick and in his prime. He passed away in 2003 from a rare form of brain dementia. Prior to him getting ill, I was young and dumb (still kind of am) when he was diagnosed and ultimately passed on, but I’d love to hear his voice, pick his brain, ask his advice, hear more stories from his incredible life, hear him speak about my mother…just anything, really. That would be amazing.

What made you want to work where you’re at now?
I joined Capstone Search Advisors back in September of 2015. Previously, I had worked for another search firm for 7.5 years and I actually lost a passion for the work, for various reasons. I left the industry for almost two years, not really considering going back into professional recruitment. My position was eliminated from the company I was working for right before they were sold, so I was unemployed. For some time, several friends/former colleagues were trying to get me to come to Alliance. I finally interviewed and noticed how amazing of a company it is. Not just its success level, notoriety in the marketplace, or impressive growth, but the people I would have a chance to work with. I’ve been very fortunate to work with some amazing individuals at Alliance Search and the whole TalentLaunch network.

What do you look forward to most when you walk into work?
Seeing my colleagues. They are all family to me. From there, just attacking the day.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
I like to think that I can have a positive impact on people, regardless of the situation. In the case of my work, I am helping my company clients fill critical personnel needs with talent while putting my candidate and clients in a better situation. I have an opportunity to help people create a better life by getting them into a more preferable work environment while helping companies continue to grow.

What’s unique about the culture at your company?
Cohesion. Our team is very close-knit. We don’t just work together. We are very close, both inside and outside of the office.

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