Outplacment With Purpose

Our career transition coaches have over 100 years of experience and come from a multitude of backgrounds, cultures, and areas of expertise. Our curriculum is designed to guide your exiting employees towards an inspired future!

Outplacement Services

Your Guide To Managing Layoffs

Our career transition services are designed to help you navigate the complexities of downsizing an organization. From providing 1:1 career support to your parting employees to protecting your bottom line. As your outplacement service provider, we’ll tackle the burdens you or your HR team would face during layoffs.

Reduce Costs

Terminations could be costly. With the right expertise, you can prevent unnecessary expenses and save your organization thousands.

Fast Results

Your employees will be paired with a career consultant and quickly enter re-employment with equal or greater compensation.

Maintain Your Reputation

An outplacement program will positively impact your brand’s positioning, so you can keep your 5-star reviews coming and employee morale high.

Supporting People With Career Transition


of exiting employees find roles with greater purpose


of exiting employees find work with with equal or greater pay


of exiting employees find our service to meet or exceed expectations

days is the average time to accept a new offer

Success Stories

“After being laid off, I was hurt and embarrassed. Capstone helped me gain confidence and find my stride again. Additionally, they gave me sound advice on how to market myself to negotiate my offer and I ended up getting a 35% raise from my last role.”

George P.

In one of the most trying times of my professional life (Layoff), Capstone was a steading force helping to bridge myself to my next work opportunity. They accurately provided position and role responsibilities, helped prep for interviews, and helped in negotiations for my offer. From layoff notice to offer signing was just a mere 14 days!

Martell J.

“Capstone has helped me work on identifying my strengths while working on my weaknesses. Their advice has helped me look at my career from a different perspective and now I am working to fulfill my mission in life.”

Teresa L.

Capstone helped me market my experience to where I wanted to go next in my career and then showed me how to automate jobs being sent to me for what I wanted. Not only did they teach me what I needed to know but they also taught me how to create efficiencies and automation to take the stress and anxiety out of my way!

Karina S.

“This was my first time working with a career transition coach so everything was great because I was able to learn how to handle the process of a job change.”

John L.

“I looked forward to talking with my career coach because he was very positive and helped me focus on what I could control. I loved the exercises with Simon Sinek and my mission statement. The whole process was great for me as I feel like I have my Ph.D. in job change now!”

Teresa L.

They were both extremely professional and really helped me to understand the position thus helping me to move my career forward.”

Christopher B.

The team at Capstone was fantastic to work with. They were knowledgeable, friendly, and very helpful throughout the entire process. They always kept me updated on where things stood in my interview process and I greatly appreciate all the work they did on my behalf.

Leonard B.

Packages Tailored For You

We have cost-effective outplacement service packages that fit your needs – because we understand career transitions are different for each person. Contact us to see how you can get your employees feeling confident and back into the workforce.


5 weeks

Associate Package

Professional Formation, Mission Statement, & Strength Finders
Simon Sinek's "Starts with Why" & Online Workshop
Collaborative Resume Process
LinkedIn Refresh & Basic Training
Interview Coaching Sessions (3)
Targeted Calls into Selected Market


7 weeks

Professional Package

Adds Leadership Assesment
Adds Workshops: Refine & Apply Your Why
Adds Video Profile
Advanced LinkedIn Training & Page Optimization
Interview Coaching Sessions (5)
Targeted Calls into Selected Market


10 weeks

Executive Package

Adds Myers-Briggs & DISC Assessments
Adds Workshop: Bridging The Generation Gap at Work
Adds Executive Summary
Adds Custom LinkedIn Branding
Adds Executive Coaching
Adds Collaborative Marketing Strategy
Talk to an outplacement expert. Get in touch!